Thursday, January 2, 2014

Job Applications

A lot of the time, when I have been perusing (and I am using that word properly, because it actually means to "read (something), typically in a thorough or careful way") job listings and pounding out mind numbing job applications for literally minutes, I begin to make doodles like this:

I'm not proud, but I am kind of proud.

Sometimes when I'm doing applications I get earth shatteringly annoyed at the inefficiency of the process; many websites allow you to submit a resume but then require you to then fill in all of the information that is in the resume that you spent several hours making and refining. Some websites will actually pull the information from your resume and use said information to fill out the various forms. My immediate reaction is that companies that do this are probably much better to work for than the ones that do not. Clearly they are geared towards an efficiency of labor and time management. Awesome. But then I start to wonder if this efficient process also allows lazier people to apply, and if more lazy turds are applying some must slip through the cracks (hehehe) and get hired, so maybe the companies with the less efficient, more labor intensive applications are the way to go.

Maybe I shouldn't care and should just find a job, which might be considerably easier if I spent more time doing applications than analyzing the motive for using various providers and then reviewing them on a blog no one reads.


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