There’s a joke online about a more accurate slogan for Pepsi
The joke being that when one asks for a drink at a restaurant the default request is always coke, but some restaurants sign deals with Pepsi Cola to only serve their product. Therefore there is no coke to be had and the waiter must respond with "Is Pepsi okay?" The joke is that Pepsi is only the choice when there is no other alternative. Ha Ha, internet, you are clever.
The thing is, my father works for Pepsi, so Pepsi is clearly a superior product to Coca-Cola, and that this joke is understood universally makes me a bit sad. But not really, I just wanted to challenge myself to making up slogans for a company. So lets play with your advertising a bit here...
First off, the design is really cool. It's soft and organic but simple, firm and modern. It's got a very elegant balance of straight lines and curves and the lack of capitalization makes it seem approachable and friendly.
Also it looks like a dick and balls. Seriously. That is kind of terrible placement. Center the "pepsi", it wont look as good, but it also will not resemble the shaft of a penis (which by the way, the name of your product is one letter off and a flip of the last two's placement from spelling, so perhaps tread lightly on wang references). I get that the name and logo juxtaposed this way shape the letter 'p' with the name being the line and the logo being the loop, but it is also a shaft and balls.
If that was intentional: genius dick joke, and way to draw the eye. If it was an accident: just say it was a dick joke.
Everything about the logo is really aesthetically pleasing, but tweak the placement somehow.
In terms of how your product is marketed, Pepsi is, was, and always shall remain the underdog. Coke is an utterly ubiquitous product, so much so that many people use the products name interchangeably with the word for soda. Use the underdog routine. America is super obsessed with the concept of the underdog. We deify the lesser man who rises up to take on the establishment. It's how our history books tell us we became a country. Play up the fact that you're like the founding fathers in the regard. Run 4th of July ads with George Washington and Ben Franklin having a nice cold Pepsi, run a line about how you guys, "take on the big dogs together."
The underdog nature of the brand enables it to easily put itself in the shoes of every classic American film about the little guy taking on the big bad establishment. You could run funny viral add contests where people edit a Pepsi bottle in the place of the star in any movie. Or reference any of the underdog films, like Rocky for instance, and have a wimpy looking kid with a black eye crack open a bottle while walking. As the camera zooms out we see a big scary looking bully sitting in the dirt holding his nose and crying. Then have a narrator say "Pepsi, the underdog for the underdog," or "Pepsi, stand up," or "Pepsi, the drink of the underdog."
An add with bullying is really topical and the fact that the add implies youthful violence could make it just the right amount of controversial for the talking heads on the news to talk about it. Boom. More ads.
There are endless possibilities to play with that concept, I will not provide them all for free.
Pay attention to how little I care about how much attention I want you to pay me, bro. |
Also, try courting the hipster demographic. They have almost certainly contributed to the rise in whiskey sales . They are also fond of doing things just a little different than anyone else. The Jack and Coke is a common drink, see if you could partner with another company to popularize the Jameson and Pepsi. Hipsters are snobbish and they will most likely insist someone actually use Pepsi in their drink.
Thrifting is in right now, play up that with special retro cans you can push on Willy'sburg and UrbanOutfitters. Everyone likes nostalgia and old-timeyness, the hipster loves it so push it harder on them.
Actually, no.
Give me money for more.
Really though.
I need to eat
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