Everyone knows about Old Spices clever new ads. They're some of the few commercials people will actually intentionally search out, and they are really sucessful:
following the debut in 2010, sales went up 11% in 2011. Outside of how funny and clever and absolutely ridiculous these adds are, I think a large part of their appeal comes from the fact that they don't take them to seriously but are completely honest. This is in stark contrast to the Axe advertisements that seem to make silly promises of sexual prowess and attraction if their product is used; Axe's ads are absurd but it seems like they are taking themselves too seriously. The Axe campaign, if it was trying to be tongue in cheek, failed to do so well and completely turned me off to the product. Because I'm a spiteful little turd, I will not support a product with such a blatantly "HAHA, we're kidding, but seriously chicks will dig you" because, well they're doing it wrong. Old Spice is doing the same thing, but they tell you they are doing it, and that's fun. I'm not a big sucker, but I'm not even particularly fond of Old Spice's product, but I bought one because I like the ads and want to support the continuation of their running (also the product was called "Wolfthorn", and that is awesome and ridiculous).
Today's society is one with a complete saturation of endless advertisements. It's refreshing to see one that is fun and isn't trying to trick you someway. It just makes you associate its product with fun and humor and that makes me want to buy it.
So what if more companies used this approach to advertising (absurdity, transparency, comedy , etc)?
Well I decided to make some up.
If Other Companies Stole Old Spice's Ad Style
Your eyeballs might tell you this is not what your getting,
but the eyeballs of your tongue tell you that the eyeballs of your face are liars |
This is good because I wrote it, and also because it openly addresses the fact that the advertised image of fast food never corresponds to the way it looks when you get it.
Because you're an adult. And you like adult things. You dont need a toy to be happy.
You're an adult, a royal adult. With like subjects.
Subjects you treat like toys. And that Makes this one Happ...wait...
And that makes this one Euphoric Meal. Cuz that's better than happy.
That's grown up sounding. That's fit for Royalty.
Burger King. YEAAAH! |
Overly confident while acknowledging similarity to competition. Mocking competition while jokingly (but still seriously) enforcing your superiority.
You know how people will use the status of one brand to emphasize
the quality of a completely unrelated product?
BK is the Burger King of Fast Food |
Most people wouldn't need the comical in itself explanation of the joke, so you could run just the phrase "...it's like the Burger King of Fast Food", or even "...it's the BK of Fast Food"
What I like about this idea is that it establishes itself as the qualifier of greatness and creates that association.
So you can be the "Lunk" |
I already wrote a whole article on why Planet Fitness is successful, this is to attract the type of person actively pushed out by them.
Wait that's not very funny...
That bang pow, bang-bang pow guy...
we call him Stevie
his poodle Mr. Rumpkins is adorable.
Come here and you can train hard enough
to get diesel-jacked-fit-sexified enough
to not get judged for having a tiny pet
with a silly name. |
That's better. Then you could show a video of a bunch of humongous BB'ers with tea-cup poodles and tiny kittens. Some physique guys with bunnies and a bunch of hot girls in yoga pants admiring the pets.
Your dentist loves them too |
Everyone knows SPK's destroy your teeth; stop pretending. Mock the idea until absolutely no one cares. And be funny with it. I totally get why a product wouldn't want you to associate it with it being unhealthy or bad for you, but this is candy. It also might convince someone really dumb that it is not bad for you.
5 out of 5 Doctors* agree that Sour Patch Kids
are better for you than Oxygen
and Help you Grow better teeth
that make you prettier and better...
and feeling...
* (that we bribed and or threatened physical harm in order to make them) |
Yes, this has all been a ruse to show off my amazing skills at making things up for you to like things to lead into advertisements for my sister's bakery.
Are you really gonna let Marie Antoinette die in vain?
Don't be a terrible person. Have the cake like the dead headless lady said...
before the dead and headless thing |
Now for actual products of said Bakery. Which is amazing. And I'm saying that as an obviously impartial blogger.
Congratulations! You did really well with that thing.
You know, that thing you just did.
I bet that was really hard.
And you did that hard thing really well.
This? Oh this is just a fresh apple cider doughnut,
with a dollop of pumpkin ice cream
and a light caramel drizzle.
But this is only for people who did well on hard things.
Hard things like the thing you just did...
Eat This |
I bet you're a big burly man. The type who rides bears to pick up the dry-cleaning
if you had things dry-cleaned
which you don't
because you're a mountainous he-man, man
all of your finest suits are made from the tanned hides
of the eagle-riding wild tiger-boars that are indigenous to the mountain you claimed
with your raw masculinity
you're too epic to have an adorable cupcake, we understand.
Oh, This? Yeah it's a cute cupcake...
With a delicious HAMBURGER on top.
That's right, brother
this bad boy of a rebel man cupcake thing is eating a hamburger.
You can eat this cupcake eating this hamburger
only a shark-punching lion-kicker like you can Eat This Carnivorous Cupcake |
I bet you thought we couldn't tell.
But it's 1pm and your an adult couple.
One of you has a soul patch
and the other is wearing a head band and a peasant skirt.
We know. |
The two of you have been staring at this cupcake for like 45 minutes
or was it the cupcake on top?
That's right
there are two tie-dyed cupcakes
one for each of you
it's like fate
and tie-dyed
But I bet you think you can't buy and eat this without us figuring you out
But your jig is up, hippie if hippie's are still a thing
How did you get here from 1969?
How are you more amazed by this cupcake than smartphones?
Buy this cupcake, Eat This cupcake. Your secret's safe here
You guys know how s'mores are all like
"Yo. I'mt two delicious things
in between two slightly less, but still delicious things
and I make you happy and nostalgiac"
Yeah, we love how self aware and confident s'mores are.
Well these. These are More More Double "Smore Cupcakes
They're twice as confident as regular 'smores
and men and women love confidence
You're probably thinking, Thinky Thinkerton,
"But these are just the ingredients of the classic s'more
these aren't two things between two things, this is not a s'more cupcake"
Well, you over think things, Lord Thinkerton of the Sunflower Aisles.
And you're wrong, fool. This is why no one likes you or knows about your country.
See this is all of the s'more ingredients in between two things:
Paper and Oxygen
So eat that, Lord Thinkerton.
But guess what, you're the customer, and the customer is always right.
So it's also not a s'more.
It's not two things between two things. |
It's three things.
Inside a thing.
That thing is cake.
With all of the things that are also inside it
on top of it
All of this is betwixt the paper and oxygen.
So your wrong and right.
Does your head hurt now?
I bet it does from how we just blew your mind
So eat this More, More Double S'more Cupcake
it'll help soothe that noggin, Thinky Therton of the Sunflower Aisles |
Yes, that is maplewood smoked bacon
and it is in maple frosting
on a french vanilla cupcake
If you need me to tell you to Eat This
then you do not deserve to Eat This |
That's all I got right now.
Buy my sister's stuff
Buy old spice
Keep fun adverts alive
and my family
we need to eat
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